Friday, December 2, 2011

The Season of Busy

I attempted to make a commitment last week to make daily posts on this blog. Then family and Thanksgiving happened. Then I realized that, with the time and emotion I spent on pastoral work during Thanksgiving weekend, I actually hadn't taken a day for Sabbath, so I did that on Monday. Then I spent two days this week helping to prepare a Christmas ministry to families in need, which left me no time in front of a computer to reflect on what was going on at the time.

So I posted the sermon I worked on Wednesday.

And I'm back today.

Sorry about that.

Well, no, I'm not really sorry, because what I was doing was important. What I was doing was prioritizing family and personal-contact ministry over the (potential) ministry of a web log.

Priorities are important. And during the Season of Advent, priorities shift around a bit. It's a busy season. There's a lot going on. It's a season when I'm typically overbooked. It's not unusual for me to be required to be in four different places simultaneously.

And, no matter what it seems your pastor has done in the past, we can't actually do that.

During Advent, we, like everyone else, prioritize. No amount of Dr. Enuf can enable me to split myself in two, even though sometimes it feels like it has that effect. I have to determine, whether or not anyone agrees with me, what is more and less important.

So this Advent, I pray that God's Spirit helps you discern the priorities that will enable you to be Christ for someone else. I pray that God is so present, so God-with-You, so Emmanuel, that you might be made a disciple who would transform creation.

May the Season of Busy become the Season of Blessing. Amen.

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